Validation of Learning outcomes

European documents and links
- Common European principles for validation of non-formal and informal learning
- ECVET programme & pilot projects
- Explaining the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning
- The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning
- Background note for the public consultation on validation of non-formal and informal learning
- 2010 update of the European inventory on validation of NFIL, executive summary
- 2010 update of the European inventory on validation of NFIL, final report
- European guidelines for validating non-formal and informal learning
- Writing and Using Learning Outcomes. Bologna Handbook C 3.4-1. Kennedy/Hyland/Ryan (2006)
- The Role of National Qualifications Systems in Promoting Lifelong Learning. An OECD report (2005)
- Terms, concepts and models for analysing the value of recognition programmes. OECD Education Working Paper (2007)
- An introduction to learning outcomes. Bologna Handbook B 2.3-1. Adam, Stephen (2006)
- The learning continuity: European inventory on validating non-formal and informal learning. Cedefop (2005)