Program & presentations

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Conference chair: Guy Tilkin, Alden Biesen (BE)

Wednesday 7 December: arrival, rooms, registration

19.30: welcome drink
20.30: dinner

Thursday 8 December:

09.15: conference start

GINCO, the network & accomplishments so far: Quality for Grundtvig courses.
Database Grundtvig courses
Mr. Guy Tilkin, Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Belgium, coordinator of the GINCO consortium.

Grundtvig IST: Professional Development of Adult Education Staff:
Mrs. Roxana Brandt, European Commission - DG for Education and Culture
Adult Education – Grundtvig

Validation of Learning Outcomes in Adult Education. State of the art in Europe:
Mrs. Helen Keogh, Advisor on the Adult Learning Action Plan 2007, Ireland

Introduction to the validation of the learning in this conference:
Mrs. Sabine Wiemann, BUPNET, Germany

10.45 : coffee break

11.15 : workshop: introduction, Jaap van Lakerveld, PLATO, The Netherlands
discussion and sharing participants' experience, agreement on terms & definitions.

12.30 : lunch

Theme: Competence Development for Adult educators.

14.00 : Key note: "Key competences for adult learning professionals":
Mr. Bert-Jan Buiskool, Research voor Beleid, The Netherlands

14.45 : coffee

15.15 : Parallel workshops:
Competence development in Grundtvig courses

17.00 : plenary reports & evaluation

Friday 9 December

Theme: Assessing learning outcomes

09.00 : programme overview

09.15 : key note: VILMA & LEVEL5: Validation of Informal Learning in Mobility Activities:
Mr. Tim Scholze, BUPNET, Germany

10.00 : coffee break

10.30 : Workshops: LEVEL 5, assessing personal and social competences in European
projects and mobility activities

12.30 : lunch

14.00 : key note: Validation of learning outcomes in Europe: challenges, experiences and tools:
Mrs. Alexandra Dehmel, CEDEFOP, Greece

14.45 : coffee break

15.15 : Workshops:

- Validpack

- Creating LEVEL 5 reference systems for the key competences for adult learning professionals

17.00 : evaluation: poster sessions

Saturday 10 December

Theme: Recognition of Learning Outcomes in Grundtvig Courses

09.00 : programme overview

09.15 : key note: Recognition of Learning Outcomes:
Mr. Radu Szekely, Vastra Nylands folkhogskola, Finland

09.45 : workshops: transfer into home organisation & Grundtvig courses

11.15 : coffee break

11.45 : plenary reports: steps to be taken.

13.00 : Lunch

14.00 : Evaluation of the conference:
Mrs. Christa Bauer, Evalitas, Austria

Closure of the conference: Mr. Guy Tilkin

15.00 : Cultural programme

20.00 : Closing dinner

Sunday : 11 December

09.00 : departure