Draft programme
Conference chair: Guy Tilkin, Alden Biesen (B)
Wednesday 27 October
17.00 : arrival, rooms, registration
20.00 : welcome, dinner
Thursday 28 October
09.00 : registration of local participants
09.15 : Welcome: Mr. Emin Bakay, Eğitim ve Gençlik Çalışmaları Enstitüsü Derneği (EGECED), Izmir, Turkey
GINCO, the network: Mr. Guy Tilkin, Landcommanderij Alden Biesen, Belgium, coordinator of the GINCO consortium.
Grundtvig and Professional Development of Adult Education staff: Mrs. Aikaterini Tsavdaridou, European Commission, DG EAC. (To be confirmed.)
Grundtvig centralized projects: potential IST course developers: Dr. Ramunas Kuncaitis, EACEA Grundtvig programme manager
10.30 : coffee break
11.00 : workshop: discussion and sharing participants' experience of Grundtvig course delivery, the vocabulary and their expectations of the conference.
Collecting questions for the panel (on Saturday)
12.30 : lunch
Theme: Sustainability for Grundtvig courses.
14.00 : key note: Dr. Ute Stoltenberg, Lüneburg University
14.45 : coffee break
15.15 : examples and workshops
17.00 : plenary reports & evaluation
19.00 : dinner
Friday 29 October
Theme: ICT for Grundtvig courses.
09.00 : programme overview
09.15 : key note: Mr. Jan Gejel, Multimedia project leader, Aarhus Social and Health College
10.00 : coffee
10.30 : examples and workshops
12.30 : lunch
Theme: Innovative didactics in adult education
14.00 : key note: Dr. Rudolf Egger, Graz University
14.45 : coffee break
15.15 : examples and workshops
17.00 : evaluation: walk and talk
18.30 : Izmir city visit
20.00 : dinner
Saturday 30 October
Theme: Quality of delivery
09.00 : key note: Dr. Jaap Van Lakerveld, PLATO, Leiden University
09.40 : examples and workshops
11.00 : coffee break
11.30 : panel discussion: steps to be taken, transfer into courses
12.30 : Evaluation of the conference: Mrs. Christa Bauer, Evalitas
Closure of the conference: Mr. Guy Tilkin
14.00 : Visit to Ephesus (optional) (lunch packages on the bus)
20.00 : Closing dinner, Izmir
Sunday : 31 October
09.00 : departure