Organising European training for adult education staff
The GINCO Tools & Training team organises a second pilot course on competence development for international course organisers and trainers in Alden Biesen, Belgium. The pilot course programme elements are based on the competence areas in the profile as developed by GINCO.
The course programme starts in Alden Biesen on the 9th September. The next course day (10th Sept.) will consist of a series of sessions in which we go through the process of organising EU adult education staff courses. Related to that we offer sessions for developing competences to bring the process of organising IST courses to a high level of quality. These sessions will focus on validation of learning outcomes, evaluation and quality, PR, marketing and outreach as well as management and organisation.
On the 11th September at 11.00 the course participants will move to Leuven (Park Inn hotel) where they will join the international GINCO T&T conference as part of the course. 40 more people will join the group. This conference will include more presentations, workshops and networking opportunities and will end on the 12 September at 15.00.
1) course: 9 – 11 Sept.: Landcommanderij ALDEN BIESEN, Kasteelstraat 6, B 3740 Bilzen, Belgium,
Web page:
2) conference: 11 – 12 Sept.: Park Inn hotel, Leuven (Louvain), Belgium.
( The hotel is situated next to the railway station with a direct connection to Brussels international airport (15 minutes).
Participation: Only on the basis of an application approved by the GINCO T&T team.
Interested in joining course and/or conference for free? Please download the application form and send to: .
GINCO Tools & Training webinar on Erasmus+ 11 February 2014
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