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The objectives of  Ginco Tools and Training project are:

  • improving the quality of provision and delivery of european continuous professional development courses (CPD) for adult education staff
  • to contribute to the professionalization of trainers and organisers running European in-service training courses for adult education staff.
  • promoting the use of the key competences for adult learning professionals 
  • providing an assessment and validation system for the key competences for adult learning professionals
  • supporting course organisers to link up their courses with LLP policy
  • supporting organisers in applying appropriate, innovative adult LLL didactics for their courses
  • enhancing the appropriate use of ICT in preliminary, face to face and follow up phases
  • supporting course providers in their care for quality
  • helping the organisers conceiving their courses in a competence oriented approach
  • helping the organisers validating the learning outcomes of the course participants
  • improving the intercultural skills of course organisers
  • supporting the organiser in  follow-up and transfer of learning outcomes

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