Management and Organisation

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This competence area deals with the management and organisation challenges that organisers of European in-service training (IST) courses in adult education (AE) face. In particular, successful Grundtvig course organisers make use of the following skills and personal qualities:

  • Manage international administration and paper work
  • Administer accommodation and logistics
  • To book accommodation
  • To organise the space and materials for course activities
  • Plan and schedule the course

In the next seven years the new Erasmus+ programme will set the rules for the implementation of international in-service training and mobility action. Key Action 1 (KA 1) offers adult education and school staff opportunities for individual learning mobility and in-service training, see also the Erasmus+ programme guide. New rules apply for course grant applicants and this will affect the organisation of IST courses regarding the following issues: 


Organisation based meeting European objectives and priorities. Course provision therefore should also be based on these requirements. In Annex 5 the Erasmus+ programme guide offers an overview of reference documents on policy priorities.

All IST grant applications are ‘organisation based’. This means that an individual teacher or trainer cannot apply for a grant anymore. All individuals have to apply via the organisation they work for. Course organisers should know the application procedure in detail and support their potential clients essentially by suitable information on their offers at this stage (see also competence area Public Relations and Outreach).

For that purpose the school or adult education organisation will have to register in the European Commission Authentication System (ECAS) first. The ECAS User Manual explains the necessary steps. After registration, a unique identifier is assigned to the organization which is a 9-digit PIC (Participant Identification Code) number that will be used as a reference by the Commission in all future interactions.

The organisation can then proceed with the mobility project application (forms available on the website of each National Agency), for which it has to create a ‘European Development Plan’ including staff development needs and international IST plans for a predefined number of staff and activities. The plan should also include an explanation on the expected impact and the planned exploitation. It should be proofed that the proposed IST not only meets the needs of the professional development of the organization, but also that it contributes towards the European added value of the organisation’s strategy and operation meeting European objectives and priorities. Course provision therefore should also be based on these requirements. In Annex 5 the Erasmus+ programme guide offers an overview of reference documents on policy priorities.

The application has to be sent to the National Agency in the country of the school or AE organisation.

European education objectives & priorities: 

The European development plan of the applicant organisation will have to give proof that the proposed IST not only meets the needs of the professional development of the organisation but also that it leads to an internationalization of the organisation

When (if) the European Development Plan is approved by the NA the organisation can look for courses and decide who to send to which course. Grant holders can then contact course organisers and reserve a place at the course.

Course duration:  

IST can last from 2 days (2 full days on site) to 2 months. 


The grant calculation has been changed considerably in the new programme. For a participant in a course the applicant (sending) organisation receives:

  • Travel costs based on lump sums relative to the distance from home organisation to course venue (online distance calculator provided by the European Commission).
  • Daily allowances for accommodation & subsistence based on the country where the course takes place.
  • Course fee at 70 € per (full) day (with a max. of 700 €).
  • Organisational cost cover at 350 € lump sum (first 100 persons in the plan) or 200 € (over 100 persons in the plan) per person per course.

The daily allowances and course fee level are not set for covering the real costs. Course participants may have to contribute from other sources.

A course provider of course must consider real costs, related to quality and realistic costs, taking into account the grant level. These considerations may affect the number of trainers involved in the course, the country where the course takes place, the level of provided accommodation and meals, the activities related to the course.

Learning agreements:

In the next couple of years also a ‘learning agreement’ between organiser and participant must be described before the course takes place.


Validation of non-formal learning and certification will more and more play an important role in professional development (Europass is put forward in the application form). International IST will have to follow this trend in order to gain recognition on the course market.

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