Hasselt, 26 – 29 September 2012
1st prize: The Glottodrama Method: Be yourself in every language!
2nd prize: Awareness training about migration, racism, discrimination, culture and diversity in Iceland
Quality care
1st prize: UNEC – Stars under the cobblestones
2nd prize: About PIMEC - An ICT course for trainers
3rd prize: The teacher trainer course “I teach Greek” - training course for teaching Greek as a foreign language to adults
ICT use
1st prize: TACCLE IST course: creating your own e-learning content in school education and adult education
2nd prize: Using video for teaching and training learn how to create your own educational video
3rd prize: MOODLE & WEB 2.0 for German and other foreign language teaching
You could find detailed information and contacts with the course providers-winners in 3rd GINCO newsletter.
Hasselt, 26 – 29 September 2012
Wednesday 26 September:
Thursday 27 September:
09.00: Welcome + presentations:
10.00: workshop: sharing participants' experience in professional development and in-service training.
11.45: The Training Course database: statistical analysis: Guy Tilkin
12.30: lunch
Theme: National provision of in-service training for adult educators.
14.00: Parallel workshops: National IST offer in the different countries: national examples + discussion. What is needed to turn this offer into an international (Grundtvig) course offer?
15.30: coffee break
16.00: plenary reports
Friday 28 September
08.45: Transfer to Alden Biesen
09.30: the procedure, the categories: presentation by the GINCO National Agency partners
09.50: AWARD winners presentation
10.15: Coffee break
10.45: Parallel workshops with award winning courses as cases. Working themes: ICT use, quality care, validation of learning outcomes
12.30: lunch
13.30: Visit to Alden Biesen
14.00: Parallel workshops with award winning courses as cases. Working themes: ICT use, quality care, validation of learning outcomes
15.30: Plenary reports
16.15: evaluation session + walk and talk preparation of the panel
17.00: return to Hasselt
20.00: dinner
Saturday 29 September
Theme: Grundtvig course provision and future of GINCO.
09.00: Panel with representatives of all stakeholders: adult educators, course organisers, DG EAC, National Agencies, experts
10.15: coffee break
10.45: Parallel groups for planning action and transfer
11.45: Plenary reports
12.45: Lunch
14.00: Departure
Hasselt, 26 – 29 September 2012
GINCO: Grundtvig International Network of Course Organisers is a consortium of 21 partners funded under the Grundtvig networks action. GINCO wants to network actual and potential Grundtvig course organisers, offering a forum for cooperation and exchange of expertise and offering support for development, promotion, quality of delivery, accreditation and sustainability of Grundtvig courses.
“Quality Course Provision for Grundtvig" is the third international conference organized by the GINCO consortium focusing on the quality and variety of the Grundtvig course offer.
The conference targets actual Grundtvig in-service training course organisers, all adult education organizations willing/planning to organise such courses and all stakeholders in the field: LLP National Agencies, adult education policy makers, programme developers etc.
All themes will be explored in keynotes and workshops, relevant material will be presented, expertise will be exchanged, good practice will be highlighted. The conference also is the ideal place for networking, learning, creating useful contacts and giving weight to your voice in the debate on the Grundtvig IST action.
The GINCO network has carried out a statistical analysis of the Training Database. Also the West Of Scotland Colleges' Partnership' has carried out a study on offer and impact of the Grundtvig IST action. These analyses will be the basis for discussion and further development of tools and policy recommendations. The main objective of the conference is to improve this course offer in terms of quality and relevance.
The GINCO AWARD selection – a quality label for Grundtvig courses – has been carried out by the GINCO network in 2012 in cooperation with the National Agencies. The award winners in the 3 categories: ICT use, quality care and validation of learning outcomes will receive their award. These courses will be presented as examples of good practice in the workshop sessions.
All relevant material, developed in the 3 year life span of the network will be presented.
The Hasselt conference will also offer opportunities to discuss the future of GINCO and the future of professional development for adult education in the new European Education Programme.
This conference is registered in the Grundtvig Training Database (https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/llp/istcoursedatabase/) under the reference number:
BE-2012-227-001. Participants can apply for a grant under the Grundtvig action: Visits and Exchanges (variable deadlines, please check with your LLP National Agency). Application forms are downloadable from the website of each National Agency.
The participation fee is 0, accommodation and all meals: 600 Euro.
Grant applicants can receive a pre-registration form via:
Hasselt, 26 – 29 September 2012
1st prize: The Glottodrama Method: Be yourself in every language!
2nd prize: Awareness training about migration, racism, discrimination, culture and diversity in Iceland
Quality care
1st prize: UNEC – Stars under the cobblestones
2nd prize: About PIMEC - An ICT course for trainers
3rd prize: The teacher trainer course “I teach Greek” - training course for teaching Greek as a foreign language to adults
ICT use
1st prize: TACCLE IST course: creating your own e-learning content in school education and adult education
2nd prize: Using video for teaching and training learn how to create your own educational video
3rd prize: MOODLE & WEB 2.0 for German and other foreign language teaching
You could find detailed information and contacts with the course providers-winners in 3rd GINCO newsletter.
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